Ten Mantras to Creating a Great Vacation Rental Website

Not only do you want people to find your website, you want them to stay on it to read all the pages, and to ultimately book some time in your property. At the very least, it should be your goal to create a site that is interesting enough for them to bookmark and return to later. Here I am going to tell about the 10 key factors for running a successful vacation rental website.

Good Design

The design of your website needs to be eye-catching as well as steady. Ideally, the background design, which means the banner and the navigation panels, should remain the same for every page. Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, the user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design.

Easy Navigation

If the visitors to your site can't find their way around easily, they will leave just as quickly as they arrived. Your navigation system should allow them to find different pages very quickly. Make the titles clear in your website to easily identify the pages that a user looking for.

Great Photos

Obviously, users may look for different listings so, you must be very careful while showcasing the photos. Give much importance to photographs in your website. While listing the properties be sure to use professional and original photos of properties. Those kinds of photos have a great impact to attract and retain the website visitors. If you have ample of pictures, you can even create an album.

Descriptive Text

Make sure that your text is brief, concise and descriptive. Avoid using too many superlatives and exaggerations.  The description must be related to property and your website. Try to use the text that includes visual, auditory and aesthetic words. Don’t go with much complicated descriptive words, which may bring down the readability.

Regional Information

Make educate the visitors to your site with the right amount of information on what they can do when they are choosing particular locations. This will make them stay around on your site and explore it deeply. For that, you can mention the attractions and main events that may go on in that place.

Up-to-Date Availability

The visitors needs to know whether a property is available for their convenient time or not. So it’s essential to maintain an availability calendar otherwise you may be a risk losing them to another site or listing. Be always attentive while engaging with calendar synchronizations.  

Features and Facilities

Differentiate the features and facilities according to your property listing. Always try to mention the generic feature like the type of room, type of bed, guest capacity, entertainment modes, bathrooms, furniture, outdoor patios etc. Afterward, come up with the amenities and other peculiar features regarding your property or place.

Frequently Asked Questions

The visitors to your site they will ask questions. If you provide them with FAQs, giving answers to most frequently asked inquiries, you are again reducing the bounce rate of your site. It makes easier for you and also for the visitors. This makes you to less bombard with the same questions again and again through e-mail or phone.

Booking Information & Terms and Conditions of Rental

Don’t forget to mention the information regarding T&Cs or Cancellation Policies. Your site must be transparent; it shows the credibility towards you. You will get with the best guests and rent experience when you are more open to others. They may easily get fitted with your rental policies.

Use a Contact Form

Last but not the least; Contact Form. It’s the most vital part when it comes to user engagement aspects. Provide an easy and flexible contact form on your web page. But make sure, it should not annoy the users by means of continuous pop-ups.

So finally, are you planning for a vacation rental website? Have a head start of the Vacation Rental Business precisely like that of Airbnb is proficient with the assistance of promptly available HomestayDNNVacation Rental Script.So by keeping those 10 mantras, we have developed an exquisite vacation rental script. It’s one of the best vacation rental scripts which act as an exact clone of Airbnb. A wide assortment of excellent features makes Homestaydnn as monstrous vacation rental script.


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